Handmade 2015: meet-ups!
Only a few sleeps to go, and we are full-steam ahead for a wonderful weekend of making and doing at Handmade. The Knit Lounge will be located in the Renouf Foyer at the Michael Fowler Centre and is the place to be in between classes - here's what we'll be doing:
Crochet Blanket CAL session
11am - 1pm Saturday
Kate will be on hand to help out with any tricky stitches or curly questions relating to the Crochet Blanket CAL.
Learn to Knit
11.30am - 12.30pm Saturday
$15 - all materials included - book online here.
Spin Club
1pm - 3.30pm Saturday
A session for learning, playing and trying things out - open to all spinners - BYO wheel or spindle
Garment KAL session
11am - 1pm Sunday
Bring along a garment project and enjoy a relaxing knitting-along. The perfect time to show off all your hard work!

The Knit Lounge will be open all weekend for knitting, crocheting and hanging out. We'd love to see you there!