Knit Night
It is a bit odd to compose a blog post on a Thursday night between the hours of 7 and 9. Usually, I'd be perched on a chair, chatting and knitting.
But, tonight.
I had an email during the week letting me know a car load of knitters would be heading out from town. A couple other emails and a phone call had me bringing cushions from home so that people wouldn't be uncomfortable....
As you can see, it's a bit busy. And there's more people *behind* me in this photo
And as I hate to turn anyone away, from next week we'll also have a lounge upstairs to cater for anyone and everyone that would like to hang out, meet new people, knit, chat, drink tea and eat LOTS of cake.
The best part of Holland Road is far and away all the people - it's an absolute pleasure to meet you all - to get excited over your projects, squish your yarn, and puzzle over problems. And, of course, share all sorts of knitting and life-related gossip.
There's going to be a new blog post series that features you, the customer. So if I smile at you oddly, and ask sweetly, please say yes - to answer some questions and take some photos. That way everyone can get to know everyone, and it will be wonderful.
xx Tash
The button conundrum « Missives from Nowhere said:
[…] of venturing, on Thursday I finally got my A-into-G and went along to Holland Road Yarn Company for one of Tash’s famous Knit Nights (I can see my shoe in the bottom corner of her photo). […]