New Knitty!

March 09, 2012

So...the new Knitty is out. I LOVE knitty. I love the patterns are free, that they push the boundaries and have lots of fun with the designs they publish.

But...I find it a little tricky that their seasons are opposite to ours. Right now I'm rugged up in hand knit cardi and socks, so looking at those beautiful shawls makes me feel...cold. And like the models should be told to put something warm on.


What are your favourites? Did you instantly want to cast anything on?

Here are my picks...

Loooove this! The colour, the lace pattern, everything! Good Day shawl by Amanda Bjorge (click on the photo to go to the Knitty pattern page)

Squeeee! Don't mind me getting all excited that Michaela is featured in knitty! She was knitting this last year at Knit Nation - so pretty. And so lovely. I might knit this just because Michaela is so awesome.

I'm being more and more convinced by the concept of knitted tees. Gemini by Jane Richmond

A pineapple? Of course! Thanks to the ever interesting Franklin Habit. If you're a twitter person, you should follow him - Franklin's joining of twitter instantly made it more awesome and hilarious, if that is at all possible.

So, back to the question: what are your faves?



Shelley said:

I’m liking carousel and the gemini…


Michaela said:

I can’t believe you remembered me knitting this! You sweetheart (I am welling up a bit!) I’ve been wearing my Sweet Georgia version all winter, it’s super snug! x


Melsey said: is my fav, its totally something Id wear!


Jenny said:

Thanks for the heads up about the new Knitty! I agree with you about knitted tees, they are starting to grow on me. I love Boscobel too, it might even jump to near the top of my list, and Flaming June the cardigan is lovely as well.


Hazel said:

I have cast on Good Day Sunshine already – I bought a skein of spinningayarn silk merino in bright yellow last winter, and have been looking for a pattern to make a shawl for my mum. It’s proving tricksome but interesting so far!

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