Indie Shelf Project: Maniototo Wools
Our first Indie Dyer for 2016 is Mary Furness Weir, behind Maniototo Wools. She produces unique, high quality yarns and we are exceptionally pleased to be able to share them with you. The luxury lambswool DK on the shelf (and online!) at the moment is the first time it is available to purchase. It has wonderful bounce and is great for all manner of projects.
Maniototo Wools are in-store and online until 29 February.
When you aren't busy dyeing yarn, what do you do?
I'm a yarn producer first and a dyer second, so I spend a lot of time thinking about the yarns we produce and how they can be used. I'm a compulsive knitter (and arguably the world's best frogger), so I'm always experimenting with designs that will work with our wool, and that I'm happy to recommend. I want the knitter to have a good experience with our product.
I like gardening and have a new garden to develop at the newly built home we recently moved into.

What is your number one favourite part of being an indie dyer?
Experimenting with colour and finally achieving colours that I'm happy with and that reflect the origins of the wool we use (hence colours like "Mountain Haze Violet" and "Tussock")
How did you get into knitting? Are you a process or a product knitter?
My grandmother taught me to knit slippers when I was about 10. I have always knitted
Product vs process: I love to achieve the finished product and when completed, I hang on to things for ages enjoying them before they go to the eventual recipient. I also enjoy learning and practising new techniques - magic loop is relatively new for me.
Do you have a particular fibre or fibre blend you love to dye more than any other?
I only dye our own Maniototo wool. It has been fascinating to see how the woollen spun and semi worsted yarns take up dye differently
We all have colour tendencies - what's yours? Do you find this comes through in your dyeing?
I do like blues and greys, and have several in the colour range.
If you could go on holiday anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why?
Going to the USA to a wool event would be awesome. Having said that I'm not much of a traveller.
Anything else you want to share with us?
The reason I began producing Maniototo wool 3 years ago was that I was profoundly impressed with the fabulous wool being produced by our friends the Duncans, on their large Maniototo sheep station - and ALL for overseas markets. None was available in NZ. The idea of being a boutique producer of New Zealand made yarn from finest quality fleeces was an "epiphany moment". It is great to see it being well received.