Pretty Shop Pics
The fun part of all this new stock arriving is the chance to move things around and make everything sit together nicely. I really enjoy being in the shop when things look a little different, and it usually leads to me happily snapping photos of my favourite little corners.
I'm in love with our fibre ladder! We had more Ashford Corriedale sliver arrive this week, and i've even been organised enough to get it loaded up online.
Fibre ladder + new shelving full of Malabrigo (although it's not quite so full after a very busy weekend!)
I couldn't help but take photos as orders were packed up over the last few days. You, my wonderful supportive customers, have truly excellent taste in yarn. If you look carefully in the pic above, you'll see the messy pile of Zealana Rimu toppling over itself on the shelf. I finally gave up on trying to get it to behave and now it's playing much more nicely sitting in a suitcase.
Zealana are slowly introducing a new style of ball & label (the lower half of the pic) which looks gorgeous but my oh my it is a pain to get to sit on a shelf. Doesn't make it any less amazing to work with, of course!
I hope you had a wonderful, relaxing weekend. It was certainly a great time to be in the shop, sharing the love of gorgeous yarn. xx
Hey ho Malabrigo!!
Possibly the most exciting time is when an order of Malabrigo lands. This week was no exception - two giant sacks of gorgeous squishiness arrived on Wednesday and it was certainly a squee-worthy event.
The arrival also dictated the need for new shelving. We have so much stock at the moment that no amount of rearranging was going to make it fit on our existing shelves. A terrible dilemma, isn't it? 'Oh dear we have so much yarn we have to buy more shelving. What a terrible terrible thing to have happen.'
Malabrigo Rios in Niebla, Sunset and Ravelry Red
More Malabrigo Rios in Azules, Bobby Blue and Playa
Now we didn't just get Rios in this order, oh no. There's stacks and stacks of Malabrigo Sock, and even more Silky Merino. Between those three I went waaaaay above my buying budget, and so there wasn't any room left for Lace or Silkpaca Lace. The good news there is we'll be doing ANOTHER order next week - hooray! If there's a colour we didn't get in this time and you're absolutely desperate to have it, just let us know. Malabrigo takes about three months to arrive and every day of that wait is absolutely worth it.
Want more pictures? Sure! How about some dodgy ones taken at 9pm on Wednesday night?
Mmmmm Malabrigo sock....
And you'll have to make do with this pic of the Silky's one of those yarns that takes awhile to puff back up to smooshy size once it's been pulled out of the bag. It's only really photo-worthy once it's had a week or so of breathing on the shelf.
I'm going to spend my Friday finishing off a couple of projects and hunting out a pattern worthy of knitting up in Malabrigo. And, of course, packing up all the orders that are coming through quick and fast for this amazing yarn. We're getting low on a few colours in all ranges already...
Clever friends doing clever things
The fourth Knit August Nights is done and dusted, and yet again it was a massive success. As usual I was much too busy chatting and catching up and knitting and relaxing in the sun to take any photos. But I want to say my biggest thanks to Maree for organising such a fantastic event. Fancy coming along? It's going to run again next year, so set aside the last weekend in August 2014 for a trip to Napier.
I'm so lucky to be able to call Colleen of Dear Colleen a friend - and even luckier to have had her design the Knit August Nights tote bag this year. Colleen is exceptionally talented and i'll tell you why - after showing you the bag!
This is the super quick snap I took of it in the middle of setting up our table at KAN - it was my first glimpse of the bag as the supplier ships them straight to Maree. SO EXCITED! If you fancy one of your very own, we'll be giving these babies away with every purchase over $100, and we're also selling them online.
If our bag isn't proof enough of Colleen's awesomeness, you may have also seen me mention her other knitterly design:
At the recent Lights Up Knitting session there were at least 3 of these bags present...knitting puns are my favourite things ever and I don't think i'm alone there.
As a small business owner I believe Colleen deserves all the support in the world - she does fantastic work and should be rewarded for her talent. At the moment she's running a PledgeMe campaign to fund a print run of a collaborative project called the Season's Eatings calendar - a beautifully illustrated project which also contains a year of recipes designed by the also very clever Bronwyn. On top of that, Colleen also has her HILARIOUS Tupac on a Unicorn tee in the Little Help design competition. Vote, donate, buy, support.
Also on the clever friends list: Laura Vincent of Hungry and Frozen. Her book came out on Friday!! So much excitement and so very proud - I nabbed the very last copy at Paper Plus in Napier on Saturday.
You may remember Laura's post about being a new knitter not so long ago. This cookbook makes me so very hungry, and Laura's way with words puts a giant smile on my face. Go buy it, make some tasty food and relax with your knitting.
In other news for us this week, we've updated all our stock post-KAN and i'm pleased to say we have loads of Knitsch Sock filling the shelves! I've also had news that our Malabrigo order has shipped - hip hip hooray!
Happy knitting xx
New Arrivals: Malabrigo
It is always a good day when Malabrigo arrives! Hip hip hooray! This time round we indulged in the brand new Silkpaca Lace - a sumptuous blend of alpaca and silk. We're packed to the gunnels with brand new colours in Rios worsted weight, and piles more Sock yarn.
There's also a shipment of classic single ply Lace on the way, which should land in a couple of weeks.
It's mighty hard to resist these beauties, as usual...
Maabrigo Silkpaca Lace in Pink Frost, Polar Morn, Hollyhock and Abril
Malabrigo Silkpaca Lace in Polar Morn and Sunset
Malabrigo Sock in Terracotta (top), Archangel, Abril and Dewberry
Malabrigo Rios in Bobby Blue, Ivy and Lavanda
Would like to knit all the things.