Dream Mitts - Free pattern!
Dream Mitts
I dreamed this mitt. Seriously. And when I started knitting it, I was all concerned that I wouldn't do the stripes justice. (I still feel that I haven't, really). Also, Blue Sky Alpaca Sport is a dream yarn - 100% baby alpaca is beyond words.
Feel free to freestyle the stripes: starting them after the thumbhole will make life easier, and allow for nice big chunks of the two colours at opposite ends.
The mitts are designed so you can either hide your thumb inside the mitt on super cold days, pulling the mitt up and scrunching it around your wrist, or wear them the usual way, so you have full dexterity for important things such as carrying your coffee on a brisk morning walk to work.
Blue Sky Alpaca Sport 100% baby alpaca
100m / 50g
1 skein nat light grey
1 skein citron
124m / 40g
1 ball Majesty colour 14/4
1 ball Papura colour 06/4
Needle: 2.75mm 80cm fixed circular (for magic loop)
Gauge: 25 sts x 36 rows = 10cm
K – knit
P – purl
Kfb – knit into the stitch as normal, without taking the stitch off the left hand needle. Knit into the back of the same stitch, slide stitch off needle
CO 52 sts
Join in round, being careful not to twist. Place marker at beginning of round. Work using the magic loop method.
Next row: *k2 p2 repeat from * to end
Work in rib pattern for 2.5cm
Next row: knit for 3.5 cm
Next 2 rows: p2, k 46, p2
From here you will be working the mitt as if it were flat - turning your work when you reach the end of the row. When the thumbhole is completed, you will join your work in the round again.
Work back and forth for the next 12 rows
row 1: k2, p 46 to last 2 sts, k2
row 2: k all sts
repeat rows 1 & 2 four times more (12 rows)
next row: knit to last 2 sts, p2
re-join in round, p2, k to end
next row: k to last 2 sts, p2
next row: p2, k to end
Knit 14cm in stripe pattern (carry ends to you don’t have to weave lots in).
Continue stripe pattern, and:
k1, kfb, k to last st, kfb, k1 (54sts)
repeat increase row every 4th row four more times (62 sts)
Knit until the arm is as long as you'd like (the mitt I knit is 21cm from the last row of the thumb hole to the beginning of the ribbing)
Next row: *k2, p2 repeat from * to end
Continue in rib pattern for 2.5cm
Cast off using a stretchy bind off - I like Elizabeth Zimmerman's sewn bind off.
Here are the stripe patterns we used, however feel free to have fun with them J
First stripe pattern: |
second stripe pattern: |
after thumbhole 1 row grey 1 row citron, 5 rows grey x 2 2 rows citron, 4 rows grey x 2 3 rows citron, 3 rows grey x 2 4 rows citron, 2 rows grey x 2 5 rows citron, 1 x grey x 2 continue in citron |
after thumbhole 4 rows grey 1 row citron, 1 row grey x 4 1 row citron 2 rows grey, 2 rows citron x 3 2 rows grey 3 rows citron, 2 rows grey x 3 4 rows citron, 2 rows grey x 2 5 rows citron, 2 rows grey continue in citron |

Thanks to all our pattern testers as well! xx
Adventures with Spud & Chloe
When Spud & Chloe Fine arrived in the shop, I was more than a little taken by one of their colours: Glow Worm. You could go so far as to say I was quite enamoured with it. The only thing I didn't like was that, sadly, it doesn't glow in the dark. BUT IT LOOKS LIKE IT SHOULD.
Spud & Chloe Fine in Glow Worm
And you know what else I can't help myself with? Stripes. Why oh why do I do this to myself? Every time!
Spud & Chloe Fine in Wildberries, Lipstick, Glow Worm and Sidewalk
A conversation followed about how great these four colours looked together. And then I stumbled across the Nova Dress pattern. Fate? I'd like to think so.
It was a great, quick and straight forward knit - I made the size 4, and cut the yarn at each stripe change rather than carry four colours up the side (I felt that would be messy, and don't mind the weaving in).
Hooray! Finished!
The problem when the dress was all done though - the leftovers! Oh noes! They sat forlornly on the stash shelf for weeks. Solution: kid sized version of the Leftovers Cowl.
Instead of doing 70 stitches as with the adult version, provisionally cast on 50sts on 3.25mm needles, and follow the instructions for the bigger size. Easy peasy!
If you're one of the many many people now addicted to Pinterest - I've pinned a whole bunch of awesome Nova dress projects found on Ravelry. Great way to pick up ideas on colour combos and peek at cute kids!
PS - we're out of stock of lots of Spud & Chloe Fine colours at the moment, but a bumper order will be with us in about 2 weeks. Yay! Let us know ( if you'd like us to pop any aside for you when it arrives.