November 10, 2014

Why do we do this?

After a long hiatus, yesterday the Happy Sock came out of the WIP bag and back into action. I spent the day at Semi Permanent Wellington, hearing a whole lot of thought-provoking talks from some incredible designers. 


One of the reasons I was really excited about it was the chance to hear Jessica Hische speak again. A few years ago she spoke at Webstock (which I help out at) and her thoughts on 'procrastiworking' really struck a chord. 


This time was no exception, and at the end of the day my mind was buzzing with all sorts of thoughts about being creative and why we do what we do as makers. 

 As I listened, I knit the happy sock. And thought about how ridiculous it is. 

Whenever it takes my fancy, I break the yarn and start a new colour. Or start the new colour for a couple of random stripes before breaking off the old one. 

It makes for a some fairly interesting sock innards.

Why do this to myself?
Why do we do this, this long process of making one stitch at a time, taking two sticks and a bit of string to create something out of nothing?
Knowing that when it's done, it isn't really done. There is still more to do: all those ends to weave in. But we knit and we make each and every individual stitch. And know that the ends will be woven in (eventually).


Because we enjoy the process. I'm not thinking about wearing these socks. Each and every break of the yarn and change of colour has been a complete indulgence in my whims, to do whatever felt right and enjoyable at the time. Weaving in the ends will be tedious, but when I do that there will be a glorious pile of colourful bits of yarn to enjoy. 
We tend to get so caught up in finishing and getting things done that it can be nice, on occasion, to forget about that bit. To know it's ok to have projects that are just for play, to shove in a drawer or cupboard or tote bag for months at a time. 
It's ok not to finish. It's ok to cast on something new with no purpose except to simply cast on and enjoy the yarn. Let's focus not so much on the end goals, but the learning and the happy bits in between.

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November 05, 2014

Pattern ideas: Knits for Kids

Surrounded by people having babies? Same!


Fancy knitting something resembling instant gratification? Same!


Never quite get things done in time to gift when the baby is still small? Same!

Need some inspiration? Here's some bigger-than-baby-size patterns:


Children's Cardigan Eivor is cuteness in a cardigan. Using 4ply yarn and a sweet mix of cables, lace and plain panels. 


Chickadee by Ysolda is an adorable mini version of her adult's Chickadee cardi pattern. 



Plain Cardigan by Anna and Heidi Pickles will knit up in snap thanks to using 8ply yarn.


Although I think this cardigan needs to be cast on immediately:

Where the Wild Sheep Roam by Pinneguri


As per usual, so many things to knit, not enough time. At least knits for kids are small are therefore faster. Or that's the idea. The trouble is not being distracted by other projects...

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November 04, 2014

Christmas Party time!

It may seem as if Christmas is ages away, but we're getting into the spirit early this year. Prompted by the lights going up in Jackson Street already, and entering the street Christmas window display, we've got the fever. 

So why not also join in with the Sewing Depot's brilliant plan and have a Christmas party in Petone?


Come by the Petone store from 10am - 4pm on Saturday 15 November for a whole lot of good times. Treats with every purchase, one-off specials, and lots of kits which will be perfect to either gift as is or make up yourself to give. There will be baking and assorted deliciousness. 

And if you're multi-craftual, you can head around the corner and enjoy all the Sewing Depot has to offer for their Christmas celebration, too! 

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October 31, 2014

Knitting and Anxiety

As we hurtle towards the end of the year and feel the weight of a busy 10 months behind us. This article about knitting and anxiety couldn't be better timed. Lots of us knit for the same reasons as the author - to calm worried minds, retreat from the world and make something from nothing. 



Have a lovely, relaxing, knitting-filled weekend everyone.


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October 31, 2014

The Indie Shelf Project 2015: join us!

With my yarn dyeing sabbatical imminent, there is going to be a gap on our shop shelves. For ages I've wanted to find a way to provide a platform for local indie dyers, but between two shops and dyeing myself it was left to linger in the too-hard basket. 


No longer! It is with great excitement we announce the Indie Shelf Project 2015. Each month during the year we will have a different NZ indie dyer gracing our shelves. 



Are you a yarn dyer (or know one)? Send an email to and we'll get back to you with all the info. Fancy being involved but are based in Australia? Give us a yell too and we'll see if we can figure something out. 

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